Thursday, January 1, 2009

the truth of beauty

i remember being in a group of women and all of us being asked if we feel beautiful. everyone went around saying no and giving responses to why they felt they weren't beautiful.

when it came to be my turn, i said yes, i thought i was beautiful. and this answer was/is not based upon my looks or my physical being. i think i'm beautiful because i take good care of myself, i'm a good person, and i try my hardest to treat others and myself the best that i can and in my opinion, this makes me beautiful.

from a child, i think i was obsessed with this cliche of beauty. for the longest time, i thought that it was solely based on looks and things that you could do to enhance my looks. growing up i thought that the more makeup i wore and the more trendy my outfits, the more beautiful i would be and the less i could see my flaws. i thought that this was enough to make me love myself and see the beauty that i had within. but it wasn't.

i had to do some soul searching and getting to know myself, my struggles, my strengths, my growth opportunities, my loves, my hates, the things that annoy me, the things that bring me joy, the things that made me beautiful. i'm still in the process of finding things out about myself and that makes me beautiful too.

ok, so what does all of this have to do with this blog right? well, this is a fashion and makeup blog. but not your typical superficial fashion/makeup blog. i want to use this blog to not only share makeup tips and fashion trends, but also ways to fashion yourself and embrace your own beauty. once people's inner beauty is reflected on their outer selves, the world is made a better place for all...

so in essence, these are my truths about beauty...

